Revenues – Total Revenues, Average Revenues, Marginal Revenues and Relationship, and Time Element.Ĥ. The concept of cost – Accounting Cost, Economic Cost, Opportunities Cost, Fixed Cost, Variable Cost, Direct and Indirect Cost, Real Cost, Explicit, Implicit Cost, Money Cost, Total Cost, Average Cost, Marginal Cost, Selling Costs.ģ. Law of supply & Criticism influencing factors of supply.Ģ. Unit – III Theory of cost and Revenue and Marketsġ.

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Demand forecasting: Meaning, Need, Importance, Methods of demand forecasting. The elasticity of demand – Concept, kinds, definition Measurement of elasticity of demand, factors influencing the elasticity of demand, Importance of elasticity of demand.Ĥ. Indifference Curve – Concept, definition, Definition, Properties, Importance of indifference curve.ģ. Law of Equi-marginal utility, Assumptions Limitations, Importance criticism of cardinal approach.Ģ. Law of demand, Demand determinants, Changes in Demand, Exceptions to the law of demand Geffen‘s paradox. A) Business economics meaning, Scope, and objectives of Business economics, Nature and types of business decisions, Role and responsibilities of a business economist, Role and social responsibility of business & business economist, Microeconomics and macroeconomics definition, scope, Merits, and Demerits.ġ.